Are you self-conscious about your smile because of chips, cracks, or discoloration? Custom veneers from Tampa Dental Wellness can hide your cosmetic concerns and give you a brighter, more symmetrical smile. These porcelain restorations correct the shape, alignment, and shade of a patient's teeth in just two appointments.
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Veneers are a porcelain restoration that we use to basically correct shape, alignment, and shade or color of a patient's teeth. So sometimes we will recommend porcelain veneers for a patient. Now, how many porcelain veneers we'll recommend depends on the patient's desires and also the condition of the patient's mouth already, taking into account their bite and any factors that may restrict them or prevent them from having veneers done.
It can make a very big impact for a patient's smile, their confidence levels, and also the way that their face looks in general. Sometimes patients have teeth that are a bit more drawn in, so their face will look a bit more sunken in. And using veneers, I can potentially cause their lip to protrude a little bit more and increase their facial profile balancing.
With the veneer procedure, typically we will bring a patient in and have a consultation with them to really hone in on their particular desires. The majority of the work is actually done prior to the patient ever stepping foot into the treatment room. There is so much that's taken into consideration, and there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes. The patient then comes in, we make them as comfortable as they possibly can be, we prepare the teeth, we take the impression for the lab, we make the temporaries, and then the patient is able to test drive that new smile out for the next couple weeks until their permanent veneers are ready. It's really nice for myself and for the patient to be able to see what the possibilities could be.